I think I have mentioned that I am domestically challenged. I know people don't always get it. I don't always get it. I just know for some reason I have this really big emotional issue attached to housework, I don't know what it is or why it's there, it just is.
Okay, it may have something to do with my getting it clean, only to have 2 boys and a man come in and wreck it in a 2 minute frenzy, then walk away completely oblivious to the fact that they just undid all my hard work! Hellooo! If I did that to His truck he would lose his ever lovin' mind! Or how about I walk over and topple every carefully placed Star Wars action figure of Big Brother's and walk away? Maybe I can...well, Little Man is a little less obsessed with his stuff, so he'd probably just go, "It's okay, Mom. I'm not mad at you, cause I love you!" That's how he rolls.
Then I'd feel like crap and I'd end up fixing whatever I did to his stuff with him and he'd give me a huge hug, then I'd go in my room and kick myself for being such a vindictive Mom and then all these other self-worth issues would come out and I'd end up in a fit of depression and Big Man would come home and wonder what happened, cause 5 minutes ago when he talked to me on the phone I was fine, then I'd have to tell him what a big slob he and the kids can be, which won't really help him find me endearing, which will also make me mad and blah, blah, blah.
So maybe it's just easier if I learn to enjoy the housework and teach the kids that taking care of where we live can be a fun experience. If not fun, at least tolerable. That's probably best.
I think I am actually making headway here, people!
Here's the kitchen today - BEFORE:
OOOOOoooooh. Don't let those people in.
Wow, awesome job! Your kitchen looks great! When I read your post, the whole time I was shaking my head in agreement. I to, have thought about trashing Hub's car or wrecking a hard worked on project of the kid's just so they realize how bad it sucks to have them come in and trash the house after I spent all day cleaning. Now see, I am a clean freak. I have also labeled myself as OCD.lol So can you imagine how bad I get when I sweep the floors and kids wear their shoes indoors? Yikes watch out! lol
Maybe you should go on strike. If hubby would be a better example the boys would follow suit.
I lurv you for posting that before picture! I thought my kitchen was the only one that looked like that sometimes in the morning.
rawk on! Yep a kitchen can go from sparkling to disaster zone in about ten or fifteen minutes flat. Helps to motivate knowing you're going to show off all your hard work to people who really appreciate it huh?? *S* Hey, those are my cabinets....wanna trade counter tops??? man, I'm in love! I'll take your stove as part of the deal too (just sayin') Mine are, get this - white.tile. I know..."geniuses", those previous home owners...I wonder how long it took them to realize that was the worst idea on the planet. *ugh*
Yipppeeee! Awesome work there, Geri!
I will have to check out Tackle It Tuesday....sounds like a tradition in the making? Maybe. I need motivation.
hey, I'm impressed! Yes, kids and a husband can wreck a clean house in 30 seconds flat!! I used to think it was just the kids, but then we had a weekend where the kids stayed at their grandparents and I found out that the husband is actually responsible for at least 80% of the mess!
Thank you for posting on my blog and for your encouragement! I encourage you to get the book. I am half way through it so far. :D
Niiiiice! My big downfall is cooking. I HATE making dinner and oft times we eat cereal. I just have a mind block or something with it. I have no problem baking all sorts of goodies, but to plan a meal ahead of time and cook? Naw...doesn't happen. Tonight we had waffles...that was better than cereal right?
Kristi - We had eggs and hashbrowns tonight!
Heather - Mine husband can wipe out a room in about an hour.
Woo hoo, your kitchen looks fantastic! :O)
Love your blog name, I may have to take up the tackle it Tuesday as well. :)
LOL! I have been there. Party hopping and participating too so stop in for a visit.
Stopping by from the UBP to check out your blog. I just started partying yesterday. :) Great blog! Your kitchen looks great! Mine is still a disaster - my toddler boy is a destruction and mess machine, as I'm sure you can relate!
Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.
I'm giving away Pink Champagne Shower Syrup from Jaqua Beauty...stop on over and enter! Ends April 8. Open to USA.
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